by Sister Sunshine Smiles
“Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon”
Indeed we belong to Allah(SWT), and indeed to Him is our return.
The intensity that this statement offers does not pertain to death
alone but different perceptions of loss and intellect that blows my
novice mind to amazedness.
A few years back, this phrase came into my existing Dua’ dictionary
when my Father introduced me to it as I was unaware on how to react on
the news of somebody’s sad demise.
That one unforgettable morning which started with these words on my
lips even before the break of dawn, forced my mind to shut down
emotionally for the rest of the day.
It is unimaginable how Allah(SWT) finds the perfect reminders to
soften our hearts from the deep barriers of hardness that develop around
it in the conscious attempt of living up to the ever competing world.
This isn’t another article reminding you that death is inevitable
and all that. This one’s about life, creatively wrapped in ribbons of
genuineness symmetrically bowed in what we love to call ‘Love’, of which
death does hold some significance.